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How to Get Rid of "Pineal Gland" Calcified Deposits?

image:Pineal glands are the "soul center" and the third eye, the place of heightened consciousness, which allows consciousness to reach higher levels, open new dimensions, and explore the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Why are humans being attacked every day by chemicals in the air, drinking water, vegetables, fruits, toothpaste, beverages, and genetically modified foods? Even organic food is doused in fluoride-contaminated water!
Because the pituitary and pineal glands are the "soul center" and the third eye, the place of heightened consciousness, which allows consciousness to reach higher levels, open new dimensions, and explore the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Fluoride has been falsely promoted as helping to strengthen teeth, but current research shows that it does nothing at all and actually deactivates the pineal gland (third eye).

Fluoride has been falsely promoted as helping to strengthen teeth, but current research shows that it does nothing at all and actually deactivates the pineal gland (third eye).
Fluoride is a halogenated chemical, along with aluminum and mercury in vaccines, plus chemical tailings sprayed into the atmosphere, "barium" is radioactive, aluminum is vaporized, wireless radiation, fluorine, chlorine, insecticide Drugs, bromides, and household electronics, all of which are frequency blockers, work together to fool humans, causing calcifications in the pineal gland, preventing the highest human potential from being realized, and affecting the human body's development to higher levels of health and consciousness.

So how do you get rid of calcified deposits?
1. Drink naturally filtered living water or remove fluoride from the water before drinking.

image: Medical stone can remove toxic heavy metals from water and purify water quality.
2. Use baking soda powder to wash contaminated fruits and vegetables, avoid commercial toothpaste, and use natural sea salt and baking soda to brush your teeth (or use MMS to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth).

image:Use baking soda powder to wash contaminated fruits and vegetables, avoid commercial toothpaste, and use natural sea salt and baking soda to brush your teeth.
3. Exercise, eat an overall healthy diet, and eat as much organic vegan food as possible so that cells can better absorb nutrients and minerals.

image:Eat as much organic vegan food as possible so that cells can better absorb nutrients and minerals.
4. Sunlight or UV rays really help regulate melatonin levels and activate the pineal gland.

image:Sunlight or UV rays really help regulate melatonin levels and activate the pineal gland.
5. Get energy and vitamin D at sunrise and sunset.
6. Iodine plays a huge role in raising awareness. Maintaining a healthy level of iodine helps the body flush out toxic halides, eliminate heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum from the body, and protect against radiation frequencies.

image:Iodine plays a huge role in raising awareness. Maintaining a healthy level of iodine helps the body flush out toxic halides, eliminate heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum from the body, and protect against radiation frequencies. Kelp is rich in iodine
Paying attention to detoxification can get rid of calcifications in the pineal gland and make the body and mind feel better overall.